
Guided tours to the OGS for teachers and students are difficult to implement owing to the lack of adequate premises. Available alternatives include Civil Protection lessons for junior high school students and Summer Schools at the Biological Oceanography Department.

  • The institute is willing to send its researchers out to deliver lectures in schools interested in learning about oceanography and geophysics, with particular reference to earthquakes by the Department Centre for Seismological Research.
  • Conventions have been established with some schools in order to carry out brief internships and/or training programmes, some of which have been renewed in the school year 2011/2012 (Liceo Scientifico Magrini, Udine, Liceo Pedagogico Slomsek, Trieste, Liceo Scientifico Galilei, Trieste, IPSIA Galvani, Trieste)

Tel: 040 2140231


Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/c, 34010 SGONICO (TS)